Monday, June 21, 2010

The Week In Review

6/12/10 to 6/18/10

This week was a crappy one!  It started off great with Jude's 2 1/2 Birthday Party and ended great with a trip to visit my Uncle & Aunt in Chicago.  In the middle Brian and I were sick as dogs and I got a horrible toothache.

Happy Birthday Jude!

Make a wish!

Abe enjoyed his cupcake!

Played in Jude's new pool outside two afternoons in a row...

Brian kept spraying Jude with the hose, needless to say he did not like it!

Went to Nico's Birthday playgroup, where Abe wore his fireman costume the whole time...

Went to Chicago on Friday and visited Uncle Roger's firehouse..

They met Sparky, and Jude give him a five (Jude wore this costume the whole time)



A trip the boys will always remember!

Jenn & Boys

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Week in Review

6/5/10 to 6/11/10

Well it was not a particularly busy week but here we go.

Started off Saturday with a T-Ball game
Who can resist playing in the dirt!


Easier with Daddy's help
Good Game, Good Game, Good Game
Lat Butterflies go at Story Time:

Had dinner at our friend's Spencer & Amanda's house, Abe had to show them his new mask, flippers & snorkel:

Went to the park 3 times on Thursday!  Our electric was out for about 4 hours so we just went to the park:

Kirkwood Park

I love the first picture!  Abe was so happy to concur this wall.
This is Jude's new "face"  he does this when he is trying to tell you something, I think he caught it from our friend Aidan :)
Watching a helicopter, I love the look of amazement and taking it easy,

Jude on the slide and trying to climb like the big boys

Montfort Park (2 blocks from our house)

Jude's favorite park activity
Taking a break from running Rudy

City Garden at Night




Played at home:

Hope you all have a good week.
Jenn & Boys