Well this Saturday was a wild one. We went to Abe's final soccer game where he got his most prized possession to date - a trophy. He has carried it around since. After the game I dropped Brian and the boys off so I could head to work. A couple hours later I got a call from Brian that Jude had fallen. He was trying to climb on the kitchen stools and he fell backward and hit the back of his head on the wood floor and the seat of the stool hit him squarely in the eye. We took him to the hospital since it seemed like his eyes were not focusing right and everything turned out fine. He has a nasty shiner but is no worse for the wear.
Sunday Abe and Brian built a birdhouse from an extra piece of fending we had. Abe was more excited than Brian has ever seen him. Later we had a baseball themed night before everyone but Brian fell asleep before the Phillies game came on. We had hot dogs and nachos for dinner (the boys had strawberries too) and we had Baseball cupcakes for dessert. Later they has soft pretzels for a snack. The Cracker Jacks, Peanuts and Popcorn are tonight.
hey! that little blonde girl in the first pic is pretty cute :)
i gotta say, Jude looks pretty tough with that shiner! chicks dig scars, right!?!
(glad he's okay though...bet that was scary...the rappaport boys and their big ole noggins. jeeze!)
NO kidding right. I agree with that cute little blonde girl, I wonder who she belongs to??
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