Friday, December 18, 2009

The Zhu Zhu Pet is Here!

For Hanukkah Abe and Jude (Abe mainly) got a Zhu Zhu Pet.  It was a long anticipated gift that I thought he had forgotten about until he started asking for it again a few weeks ago.  Abe was so excited and Jude loved to watch it zoom around the house.  It came with the predetermined name of Num Nums, Abe did not like it, so we ventured into the process of naming the pet.  The choices were Zioe, Sparkley, Georgie, Squeeky, Speedy, Diamond, Brightly, Strawberry, Peach. Daisy. Bo.Alberta (after Albert Pujols), and Face (Hey I just write them down).  He settles on Daisy, then later in the evening Bo and then finally Speedy felt right.  This is my kind of pet, it does not eat or poop, does not need to be walked and your can turn it off and put it in a closet!

For those of your who do not know what they look like, yes this is what all the rage is about!

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