This time of the year we always visit Brian's family in Philidelphia and we go for the weekend to Atlantic City where his brother Lou and sister-in-law Nancy rent a beach house. It is always a lkot of fun and it is nice to spend so much time with the Rappaports (although they will never admit it I am sure they breath a sigh of relief when we leave).
We came in town and had dinner withe family, the next day we stopped by to see Brian's Poppie and met our new nephew Jake (what a handsome boy!), went to lunch and then had dinner with the whole family.
Friday we headed to the shore, what a great beach day! Abe was a fish ans Jude took a nice long nap on the beach. Saturday was a day full of rain so we went to Ocean City to ride the rides, Abe really wanted to ride a ferris wheel but the outside rides were not open due to the rain. We had some giant pizzas (thought it would be too much but we managed to polish them off!). We went to dinner as a family and watched all three extra inning wins by the Phillies! Sunday we spent the whole day at the beach, it was a lot of fun and our most relaxing trip to date!
The preferred mode of transportation sat Bubbie & Pop Pop's house.
Meet Baby Jake
We went for a few walks
Did a lot of playing on the beach on Friday
I love the picture on the right, it looks like Jude is walking on water
Nothing like a nap on the beach!
Abe did this for hours on end, fearless!
Brian & Abe playing catch
Jude slept for 3 hours, so long the tide was coming in.
Family walk that evening
The next day was a rainy one, so we headed to Ocean City, in the hope of riding a ferris wheel, but no dice.
And off for some pizza
Brian is ALWAYS a good example...
And then we all went out to dinner
Abe thinks this pose is funny
Abe was corporative as usual on the group picture
Sunday we just spent the whole day on the beach with everyone
All the big boys
Abe loved the airplanes with ads behind them that flew over all the time
Ha Ha, Ethan, I got your picture!
Julia was trying to teach Jude how to play ball, it did not work so well
They dug 2 holes and Brian named them the A-hole and B-hole. Abe was asking everyone to come see his A-hole all day.
Abe's American Flag swim trunks were orange after this and they never came clean,
I am on a mission to find a new pair before he notices
The river between the A & B-holes
The tide came in and Abe & Ethan tried to save their holes
Abe had so much fun!
Sammi, Ethan, Jude, Abe & Julia having fun
Oh Ethan another one!
Brian took Abe out a little farther
Ethan and his new skim board
And some family pictures to wind up the day
We tried one more family shot and the boys were just being too funny
This is what a whole day at the beach look like at night
The next day it was back to reality, we had such a good time with our family
We had an early flight and everyone slept a good portion of the flight
Jude loves his backpack